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  Next Shows:                         (  Past Shows  ) 

 Kawa Espresso Bar

Wed Jun 19, 2024 - 730pm  Get Tickets




i’m a comic !     tell me about the show

1.      is the tiny comedy show an open mic ?

·         No, the tiny comedy show is a booked show.  All the performers are set in advance.

2.      what is the difference between an open mic and a booked show?

  • In an open mic, performers show up and the performing line-up is generally selected from the comedians present.   
  • In some cases, open mic are a "show up and go up" situation.
  • In other cases, open mic are partly booked in advance and partly drop-in.
  • On a booked show, the performers know in advance that they will be on the show.
  • The tiny comedy show is a booked show.

3.      are there drop-in spots at the tiny comedy show?

·         No.  The tiny comedy show is a booked show.

4.      do comics need to buy a ticket to check out the show?

·     If you are a comic you do not need a ticket.

5.      i’m a comic performing in the show. When do I need to show up?

·        Generally half an hour before show time.   However, you will be contacted directly by the producer via FB group.

6.      i’m a comic performing in the show.   may my friends get in free?

·         No.     However, the show will sometimes provide a performer-specific discount code for advance ticket purchase, so that your friends can get a couple bucks off tickets.   If you get a code, you should share this only with your friends and not post publicly.

7.      i have performed on the show before.   how do I get another spot?

  •  If you’ve been on the show before, there is no need to check in. 
  • The show will be in touch, if and when a spot is available for you again.
  • In particular, show day is very busy so please do not check in right before show time asking for a spot. Thanks!

8.      i’m a new comic.  how can I get a spot on the show?

  • Occasionally, there is  a “newcomer” spot on the show. 
  • Generally speaking - in order to get a "newcomer" spot, the producer needs to see your performance somehow to see if your style and material is right for the show. 
  • The best way to be offered a spot on the show, is for the producer to see you perform at one of the comedy stages in or around Calgary.  Be sure to introduce yourself!
  • You may message FB tinycomedyshow once.  Subsequent contact is not appreciated.

9.      i’m an out-of-town comic.   may I have a spot?

  • If the producer has seen you perform before, you'll be offered a spot when one is available for you. No need to check  in. 
  • If you are touring and planning a visit many months in the future and the producer has seen you before, you may check in to see what's available.  The show is booked well in advance so a lot of lead time is needed. 

10.  i’m an established performer visting Calgary on a show date.  may I book a HL or MC or Feature spot?

  • The main spots ( HL, MC, Feature ) are pre-booked months in advance. 
  • If you are planning a visit to the Calgary or Edmonton area well in advance, you may check in to see if anything is available.




 updated: Apr 22, 2023